Insomnia and how to overcome it.

John Black

Beechwood Therapy
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
29th January 2025

The NHS describes insomnia as :

find it difficult to fall asleep
lie awake for long periods at night
wake up several times during the night
wake up early in the morning and not be able to get back to sleep
not feel refreshed when you get up
find it hard to nap during the day, despite feeling tired
feel tired and irritable during the day and have difficulty concentrating

What practical ways are there of overcoming insomnia and how can hypnotherapy help?

In this fascinating talk John outlines the differerent forms insomnia can take and how hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to overcome it.

See his website at

Views: 438 | Enquiries: 1

About John Black

John from Beechwood Therapy is a qualified psychotherapist and hypnotherapist. His background is in secondary education where he worked for many years training teachers, as an Assistant Headteacher and in Children's Safeguarding. It was his background in children's welfare that led him to explore therapy as he saw an explosion in Anxiety amongst young people. He now works with people of all ages to tackle a range of issues from anxiety to weight management, from PTSD to pain management and phobias.

See his website at

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