Architecting Sustainability: Our Responsibility

Ines Garcia

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
20th November 2024

We will delve into the responsibility in shaping efficient, modular and natural-capital aware systems. Not just by the mantra of “less is more” (simplifying & optimizing code), we’ll explore the concept of “Ability” family and the descaling paradigm as powerful tools for creating scalable, adaptable, and resource-efficient architectures! Skill up for what’s on-demand and what we ought to achieve within the next 6 years: The legally binding Paris Agreement. Not long!

Views: 134 | Enquiries: 0

About Ines Garcia

Author | Agile & Climate Coach | Salesforce MVP Hall of Fame |

I help individuals, teams and organisations to deliver better value & reduce waste (time, effort, materials energy) To focus on impact. To leave the place better than how we found: Product, People & Planet

With over a decade of dual work in Agile & Salesforce, boosted by Circular Economy & Biomimicry practices

Active contributor to:, Agile Alliance (Sustainability Initiative), Pledge1%, Business Declares, Doughnut Economics Action Lab, Work on Climate & Business of Purpose communities, The Mentorship Central & YeurLeadin.

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