Be amazed by the peculiar way that coffee was discovered, and what happened as a result.
Learn how and why it was condemned as the Devil’s drink by the Catholic Church and other religions and rulers.
Discover how and why coffee houses sprang up throughout the world and why there were serious attempts to ban them.
Learn about today’s “coffee culture”, how it began and the history of the 4 main coffee sellers in the country.
Hear about some of the weird, wonderful and strange facts about this beverage.
I will need to be able to park at, or very close to, your venue entrance. The presentation lasts about 60 minutes and is suitable for all ages, including schools.
I am based in Thetford, Norfolk, but happy to travel. My work history is 29 years a police officer, followed by 4 years as a manager for Autoglass, then by 10 years as a prison officer and ending with 3 years as an Inclusion Manager in a secondary school. I am now a Town Crier and have been a speaker for over 20 years.
My website ( gives details of the talks and presentations I can offer. All my presentations last for about 60 minutes and cost £50 plus a fee for travel. However, I do not charge the standard 45p per mile, but only for what petrol I use for the journey.
If you are interested in this talk and wish to contact the speaker, please complete the following form: