Walking for Fun - Geocaching

Mike Wabe SpeakerNet Sponsor

Medieval World
East of England
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £50 plus a small fee for travel
26th November 2023

We all know that we should exercise more, and like a lot of people, I am too old for the gym and that basically leaves walking. I do enjoy walking, but quickly lose motivation if I am walking for walking’s sake, that is, walking just to put in the steps.

Does that describe you? I found that motivation in geocaching. Now that’s something you may not have heard of, but it encourages and motivates me to walk, and I can easily, and happily, stride out for 7,000 to 12,000 steps on a walk whilst I am geocaching. Not only that, but there is the excitement and satisfaction of finding the cache.

Does this sound interesting? Do you want to know more? Then book my presentation about geocaching. You never know, this just might change your outlook about exercise.

I will need to be able to park at, or very close to, your venue entrance. This is a real MUST and if that cannot be arranged then I'm afraid that I cannot accept a booking.

This presentation lasts about 60 minutes and is accompanied by PowerPoint slides.

Views: 797 | Enquiries: 0

About Mike Wabe


I am based in Thetford, Norfolk, but happy to travel. My work history is 29 years a police officer, followed by 4 years as a manager for Autoglass, then by 10 years as a prison officer and ending with 3 years as an Inclusion Manager in a secondary school. I am now a Town Crier and have been a speaker for over 20 years.

My website (www.medievalworld.org.uk) gives details of the talks and presentations I can offer. All my presentations last for about 60 minutes and cost £50 plus a fee for travel. However, I do not charge the standard 45p per mile, but only for what petrol I use for the journey.

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