The Bustle gave a distinctive shape to a woman’s form, but it may have died out quickly, were it not for an enterprising manufacturer of sprung wire out at Stocksbridge, who devised a way to make the Bustle more hygienic, comfortable and practical (if such a thing could be said of this provocative contraption). This talk covers the two eras of the Bustle, how it was made, how women wore it, who wore it, and what happened to the sprung wire manufacturer once it fell out of fashion.
Views: 1465 | Enquiries: 14Anne, The Bustle Lady, covers the period 1875 to 1888 - the era when the Bustle Dress was the height of fashion, but also the most interesting period of Victorian history. Anne covers a wide range of aspects of social history, Sheffield history, and the district of Crookes in particular. History talks can be delivered in full authentic bustle dress costume, with accessories and using genuine antique artefacts to illustrate the talk.
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