Creating Your Morning Routine

Claire Humphries

London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, South East
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Life Skills
22nd March 2025

Learn how to create an inspiring and energising start to your day with some simple, easy to create routines to support your life goals. It doesn't even have to be the morning but let's face it for most of us that feels like what we need to start our day feeling recharged and ready to go excited about the day ahead. Create your routine from a selection of tools from science, spirituality and more to super charge your day.

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About Claire Humphries

Claire has always been interested in teaching and sharing, learning and growing, fascinated with creating connection and community as a result of her own struggles, self-awareness and a sense of empathy and a desire to make life feel a bit easier for us all.

Her own healing and learning journey led to her becoming a healer and holistic therapist, gradually evolving into trauma-informed coaching sharing with others the tools that make a difference to create healing, growth and understanding so that we can feel less alone on the incredible journey of life and feel more equipped to handle life's inevitable curveballs and wounds and create the life we really want to live.

Her passions are holding space, teaching, conscious dancing, grounded spirituality, travel, learning, fires, drumming, creativity, womens circles, teaching, walking, singing and bringing the joy.

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