As a registered speaker for Greenpeace, Edward will outline their work as one of the world's leading environmental groups, largely known for their courageous activities at sea. He will explore what we can do as individuals and collectively to try to avert the climate crisis.
Views: 103 | Enquiries: 0Edward’s life changed as a result of sailing around the world in the Clipper Around the World Yacht Race. Spending months at sea, negotiating powerful storms and extreme weather, gave him a powerful insight into the impacts of overheated oceans. Those experiences, coupled with the birth of his 4 grandsons, are his motivation as an environmental activist. A former inner city headteacher and educational consultant, he now works through the Church, the Green Party, Greenpeace and Al Gore’s Climate Reality organisation to ensure the future of everyone’s children. His degree at Cambridge was in English Literature and the History of Art. This gave him profound insights into the work of William Blake and an on-going love of Fine Art and the Insights you can gain when you really look deeply at a painting.
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