The River Dee from Source to Mouth

Jim Holmes

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Professional, Rotary, Clubs, Societies. U3A, WI, Photographic Groups
Paid: £100 for a Zoom presentation. In-person fees dependent on distance travelled.
11th November 2021
River | Geography | History | Wales

High above Lake Bala in the stunning mountains of Snowdonia a small rivulet starts its journey towards the sea. Exploring valleys, lakes, villages, and crossing borders, accompany me as this growing watercourse travels through a landscape rich with life and history, crossed by Thomas Telford’s magnificent aqueduct and home to the Roman city of Chester. Meet the river's custodians and dependents as we travel through time and geography before finally flowing into the Irish sea through an estuary rich with industrial revolution importance and now a green energy wind farm.

Views: 1139 | Enquiries: 3

About Jim Holmes

I am a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a professional documentary photographer that specialises in worldwide humanitarian and environmental assignments from my base in Chester. Having been based in South East Asia for 20 years, living in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia then also in Japan, I bring first-hand experience to all my presentations.

My talks are unique, entertaining and informative, bringing together the best of my photography and the research and experiences my assignments offered me, all in some of the world's most fascinating locations.

My talks are of interest to general audiences, but also engage with the photographers, geographers, humanitarians, travellers and the scientific community in your group! I have worked in this niche specialisation for 30 years and I recommend a viewing of my website to get a better picture of what I mean: My talks are passionate, professional and thought provoking, richly illustrated with dynamic images that bring together the issues of photography, remote areas travel, environmental and cultural subjects, and the history of an area.

Please consider my talks for your future plans. My schedule books up well in advance, although I am sometimes able to step in at short notice if you have a speaker cancellation, it is always worth asking.

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