The development of the Barnbow munitions works, near Leeds during World War One and the tragic accident that occurred there in 1916. Includes a description of the works and the reason why it was built, what happened to it after the war and the memorials to those killed. Well illustrated with Power Point slides.
Views: 1573 | Enquiries: 9I’ve a life-long interest in history, especially local and social history, the kind that relates to real people and I love sharing my passion with others. I've been actively engaged in family and local history for over thirty years and have written many articles for various publications on some of the subjects of my talks and currently run a Family History course for my local U3A. I am a former trustee of the Family History Ferderation; a trustee of the Pontefract & Ackworth Almshouse Charity and past secretary of the Pontefract & District Family History Society. Until 2016 I had been a magistrate for twenty four years and I have a keen interest in the history of the office of Justice of the Peace. I enjoy travel, meeting new people and talking to them about subjects that interest me, and which hopefully they will also find interesting. All my talks are accompanied by extensive Power Point presentations and I have my own computer, projector, extension lead and screen, all you have to provide is a table and a 3 pin socket outlet. All my electrical equipment is PAT approved. I will also give talks in a virtual environment and can assist group organisers in setting up a virtual talk.
"It was a wonderful talk and I have had a number of emails stating how much people enjoyed it." After You're Dead to the Lancashire Family History and Heraldry Society March 2021
"Thank you for your excellent talk this evening I think it went down very well. I think the question and answer session cemented the fact that you know your subject very well". Stay Safe On-Line to Chanctonbury Probus Club November 2020
"Thank you for your talk on Guy Fawkes, everyone thought it was fascinating. We enjoyed it so much we would like to ask you if you could do your suffragette talk for our meeting on 3rd March" The Gunpowder Plot to Barnsley Opals WI November 2020
"I had good feedback from your talk last night . The people who contacted me afterwards said they enjoyed it.
It lasted just long enough and the slides did enhance the talk" .
Votes for Women to Harrogate Bloomers WI
November 2020
"We very much enjoyed your talk this morning". The History of the English Canals to Alsager & District U3A January 2021
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