Chris O'Grady

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
27th December 2023

Tales from the world of collecting Art, Antiques and Cherished Items, stories of rare collections, unexpected sale values achieved, the driving forces that promote the desire to collect and how and what can make for a great collection.

Views: 454 | Enquiries: 3

About Chris O'Grady

I enjoy providing some 60 talks a year to various diverse groups as Sailing Clubs, U3A's, Women's Institutes, Probus, Friends of Museums and Galleries, Rotary Clubs etc.

As needed, for any of my talks I am happy to help organizations to set up Zoom meetings for their group using my ZoomPro Licence. I am pleased to share "best practice" gained from my experience of being involved in numerous online meetings and presentations

Over 80% of my bookings come through recommendations or are return engagements.

My professional life was spent making presentations to a wide range of groups. Now I am able to use the skills developed when working to enhance my talks about topics that are very close to my heart.

After giving a talk the following words have been used to describe my presentations.

"Fascinating", "extremely interesting and witty", "your talk must be unique: not only that but you speak very naturally" "You are such a positive and inspiring person"

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