This talk focuses specifically on the best known and most widely reported on UFO case of all time, the alleged crash of an alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. The talk covers both sides of an argument that has raged for years, one side claiming the US government collected proof of extra-terrestrial life it has kept secret since that date, another side claiming a combination of the crash of a top-secret American device and a misleading rumour mill has turned unusual events into extra-ordinary claims. The only things certain are that this is one of the most celebrated paranormal cases of all time, it continues to intrigue and this talk leaves you to judge which claims to trust.
Views: 519 | Enquiries: 1I have been writing for publication since I was a student; a career that has allowed me to explore a number of subjects to the point of being an expert with a fund of stories. At the end of the last century I founded the UK's first higher education course in Professional Writing. Over the years I have written and spoken on a range of subjects but am currently offering talks based on life-long interests and passions. All of these talks are negotiable in terms of length, the range of examples brought into any discussion and the extent to which hard facts and humour are included. More than anything I am happy to negotiate each event to take into account the needs of an audience.
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