Kyrgyzstan - Mountains and Nomads

Adrian Gray

Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, East Midlands, Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £60 plus expenses
10th January 2023
Asia | Mountains | Adventure

A wonderful illustrated introduction to the almost-unknown country of Kyrgyzstan. This is an amazing landscape of lakes and spectacular fold mountains where much of the country is closed by snow for most of the year and accessed only by nomads at other times. The landscape is explained, with an introduction to some of the history.

Views: 663 | Enquiries: 1

About Adrian Gray

I am a Cambridge-educated historian with around 30 published books on a variety of historical topics which you can see on my Amazon author page at:

I specialise in the counties of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, but I also speak on a number of national issues such as Victorian crime and social history, the history of religious freedom, and the history of education and government inspection (which is a lot more interesting than it sounds!). I am one of the leaders of local community efforts to develop Christian heritage for tourism in Notts and Lincs, hosting coach tours from the USA and also very popular local history walks. I am fascinated by human stories so also do several talks to do with rebellious or scandalous people!

I provide a range of lively and fully-illustrated talks that can be tailored for local needs. You can email me for a full list of talks. I am a skilled presenter having worked as a teacher for many years and also as a tour guide in my home area.

How do you know I am any good? Well, I have a high level of repeat-invitations and can give some examples if you feel you need them.

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