Footpaths - an endangered species

John Harrison

Surrey, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Hertfordshire
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Subject enthusiast, experienced speaker
Unknown: Depends on the group
14th October 2022
Footpaths | Erosion | Scenery

Footpaths evolve to meet human needs, with an organic form that grows and changes, especially for upland footpaths - vital arteries for walkers that enable us to enjoy wild places. But as walkers take to the hills in ever greater numbers many paths suffer from over-use and become degraded. Millions of boots have turned pleasant grassy paths in the '60s and '70s into ugly rock-strewn hillside scars. Bodies like the National Trust and National Parks do a lot of repair but it is a never-ending task. I have observed paths for many years in all terrain in UK and abroad and seen them respond to both use and mis-use. This talk is a pictorial essay showing the diversity, as well as the fragility, of a very 'natural', but at the same time man-made, upland phenomenon. See:

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About John Harrison

My career was half as a Chartered Engineer and half as a chartered Ergonomics & Human Factors Consultant. My talks draw partly on that but more on my many other interests including: photography, fell walking, bell ringing, railways, bricks, human perception, maths ,... I have given around 250 talks to 100+ different groups. I'm based in Wokingham, Berkshire so limited to the surrounding area for in-person events (but online can be anywhere). Details of my talks are on my website at:

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