An author-led, two-hour discussion on the background and social conundrums present in my second novel, The Quarry. In overview, the novel lays out the connections for a coming-together of two characters who, on the face of things, never want to meet, namely a gamekeeper and a poacher, the action being set on an English sporting estate. Following a twelve month/twelve-day period leading up to the estate's big shooting day, all those involved soon come to realise that, when affairs of the estate become blurred by an affair of the heart, it will only take one slip, one slight misreading of just who and what the quarry is for payment to be exacted; in full, on time and on target. I am happy to supply copies of this novel for pre-session reading at cost price plus postage
Views: 785 | Enquiries: 0I'm a published author of three novels and have written plays, musicals and screenplays.
I’m an actor and musician (drummer - 60s thro' to the 00s) and my chequered career has included working as a herdsman, a forester (Lord Brooke, Warwick Castle) a zookeeper (primates—Birmingham Zoo) a wildfowl research warden (The Game Conservancy) and a gamekeeper (Lord Hesketh and the Marquis of Northampton respectively).
I have also trained gundogs and managed a game farm.
I designed, set up and ran a conservation/computer programme teaching in inner-city schools and have lectured on production management at the University of Falmouth.
I was a touring theatre production manager, mainly in eastern Europe and the UK, and a venue technician at The Hall for Cornwall.
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