What is Landscape?

Dr Geoffrey Mead SpeakerNet Sponsor

South East
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Local interest/professional
Paid: £80 plus travel if needed
12th October 2020

We all have a different idea of what a landscape is, whether we are gardeners, farmers, geologists, walkers or artists. This talk looks at the variety of meanings of this seemingly simple term and how we have represented the word through writing, music, art and cartography; how the meaning has changed over time and how the history of our UK landscape has been recorded, both from an intellectual viewpoint but also from those who have worked within it.

Views: 993 | Enquiries: 2

About Dr Geoffrey Mead

I am an Associate Tutor with the Geography team at the University of Sussex where I thought I had retired...10 years ago! I specialise in the landscapes of SE England, in both urban and rural areas and I did my doctorate in the suburban growth of the interwar period. I taught adult education for nearly 30 years at Sussex where I worked in the Landscape Studies degree team and was Convenor for Local History. I give talks across SE England to a wide range of groups, from universities to local history societies, WI groups , U3A, Probus and Round Tables. I run weekly classes at local community centres. The most requested from my range of talks are those that combine social history, geography, geology and a 'sense of place'. I can adapt my talks to particular areas or interests.

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