'A man may have constant employ';Sussex Industrial History,a different view

Dr Geoffrey Mead SpeakerNet Sponsor

South East
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Local interest/professional
Paid: £80 + travel
4th May 2023

Sussex has an industrial past that is hidden behind seaside resorts and the South Downs National Park! This talk looks at a range of aspects of the county work patterns, ancient and modern, rural and urban, coast and interior. From iron,fish and timber, to piers, proms and even Rolls Royce!

Views: 907 | Enquiries: 6

About Dr Geoffrey Mead

I am an Associate Tutor with the Geography team at the University of Sussex where I thought I had retired...10 years ago! I specialise in the landscapes of SE England, in both urban and rural areas and I did my doctorate in the suburban growth of the interwar period. I taught adult education for nearly 30 years at Sussex where I worked in the Landscape Studies degree team and was Convenor for Local History. I give talks across SE England to a wide range of groups, from universities to local history societies, WI groups , U3A, Probus and Round Tables. I run weekly classes at local community centres. The most requested from my range of talks are those that combine social history, geography, geology and a 'sense of place'. I can adapt my talks to particular areas or interests.

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