Can You Play Jerusalem For Us?

F. E. Burroughes.

South West
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Expensed: I ask for my petrol expensesand a donation to support my chosen charity..
18th October 2021

Francis has spoken to many hundreds of the Ladies of the W.I. across the West Country. Most of the meetings have been memorable for the welcome and hospitality he has received. However . . . sometimes the unexpected happens. Here are some of the funniest moments from the life of a speaker ‘on the W.I. circuit’. He promises strict anonymity!

Views: 1662 | Enquiries: 8

About F. E. Burroughes.

A well-known and experienced Lecturer and After-Dinner Speaker for W.Is, Rotary Clubs, Round Tables, U3As, and special interest groups and societies. Francis is on the W.I Speakers List of most Counties in the South West. His talks do not require any special equipment, and for those which are illustrated with slides, Francis brings all his own equipment, which can include a very large screen.

He is available during the day, and at short notice, and will travel all over the South West, including Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Somerset and Devon. He asks for his petrol expenses, and a donation towards his chosen charity, as much as you can reasonably afford. He asks you to be as generous as possible!

Other talks are also available, apart from those listed here.

More details about all his talks can be found on his website,

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