Growth Mindsets

Chris Hallam

CH Coaching Solutions Ltd
Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Professional, Charity, Leadership, Education, Events
Paid: £250 - 750
Life Skills
8th January 2024

Learn how to understand why we have Mindsets about certain things and how this can limit our thinking

Views: 1172 | Enquiries: 1

About Chris Hallam

A behavioural psychologist by discipline I have developed a wide and comprehensive leadership and management skill set through a number of senior roles in multinational organisations across several industries. I have been a Transformation and Change Director, L&D Lead, Interim HRD and a Programme and Risk Director. My primary focus is always on understanding what makes us behave the way we do. I have a passion for helping people unlock their potential.

Outside of my commercial career I have coached Team GB in several championships including the World Transplant Games in 2019 and am currently a mentor to a number of our elite coaches through a coaching consultancy business that I own.

Our Offer is in three areas… Leadership for today - the inclusion of people who have different styles of problem-solving and can offer unique perspectives because they think differently. We have a diagnostic tool to uncover how diverse your teams thinking is. Performance Coaching – The basis for coaching humans proven time and time again to get results and used by elite teams across the globe. Being self-aware is a precursor to any behaviour change. Followship – A whole paradigm shift for organisations. Followship is a choice. Why would anyone Follow you? Are you being followed? Who do you follow and how? Followship changes the leadership conversation forever.

For more information contact us via our website To contact Chris Hallam directly

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