Christopher Leworthy

Details of talks given by Christopher Leworthy

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Hobby and interest, but professionally delivered
Online Talks:
Yes, group must organise

After retiring I decided to develop my interest in military history. I now lecture on the Battle of Britain most weeks, to a variety of audiences, and have recently started delivering talks on Operation Jubilee (the Dieppe Raid), Operation Chastise (Dambusters' Raid) and DDay. The talks last for around 40 minutes and I'm always happy to take questions. Although I am based in Southern England and for some of my time in South Wales, I am willing to travel within reason, and am also now highly experienced in giving these talks using Zoom.

The talks are designed to be fascinating, gripping and emotional, with enough analysis, detail and pace to engage the audience completely. A number of relevant anecdotes bring the stories to life and the audience is left in no doubt as to the bravery and supreme effort made by those involved. Feedback has been extremely positive, with a recent Tripadvisor posting describing a talk as ‘Dynamic and emotional’. Zoom talks have been described as "stirring and inspiring' and a 'tour de force'. Several organisations have been so enthralled that they have asked for repeats and/or follow up presentations.

I make no charge for talks, but, ask for a contribution towards a supported charity plus a sensible, pre-agreed contribution towards travel costs for an in person presentation.

I am only too happy to answer any questions about whether and how these talks might be amended and tailor made to suit any particular audience.

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