Ray Creek SpeakerNet Sponsor

Details of talks given by Ray Creek

England, Wales
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Profesional (Semi-retired)
Online Talks:
No, in-person only

I have been in the plant world since leaving school many years ago. In the early nineties I set up in business specializing in orchids selling via mail order, orchid shows and garden fairs. Since then I have presented talks to many Garden organizations, orchid societies and clubs.

I have traveled to events in many parts of the UK and beyond traveling as far as Dublin, Glasgow and Carmarthen.

My main talk is an introduction to orchids aimed at windowsill growers and beginners. However, I can do talks going into more depth in my subject. Talks can be tailored to your requirements.

I charge a basic £90.00 fee plus 25 pence per mile for travel. Local talks (under 10ml.) traveling charge will be waived.

I don't mind being contacted at short notice and it is even worth a try if you have had a speaker cancel at the last minute. I will try to help.

To contact Ray Creek, first select one of the talks listed below.

Listed talks