Details of talks given by Liz Garnett
I have been a travel photographer and writer for over 30 years. I also lead Slow Walks for Artists which draws on my experience as a Creative Pilgrim and my interest in pilgrimage.
I was first drawn to pilgrimages when I discovered the Tro Briez pilgrimage which takes in the sites of the seven founding saints of Brittany in France. For this pilgrimage I followed the route by car as I only had two weeks to undertake the 700 km journey. I then joined forces with fellow artist, Alexandra le Rossignol, to lead a group of Creative Pilgrims on the Augustine Camino route from Rochester to Ramsgate. We subsequently went on to create The Way of Saint Martin – a slow pilgrimage route from Dover to Canterbury. I have gone on to seek out long distance routes and experience travelling light and slow pilgrimage.
The theme of pilgrimage has lead me to become a North Downs Way Ambassador and a Cross Channel Geopark Ambassador. I am based on the edge of the Kent Downs and continue to explore the landscape with my camera. As a photographer, my images have sold worldwide to magazines, newspapers and books.