This talk charts the development of the Creative Pilgrims and how we fell upon the concept of Slow Pilgrimage. Our first pilgrimage was along the Augustine Camino from Rochester to Ramsgate which I split into 14 shorter walks and which we completed on or two a month. Our journey takes in injuries and bad backs as well as a pause for the pandemic. This lead to several exhibitions and then being asked to respond to a pilgrimage from Dover to Canterbury. Instead of taking the North Downs Way National Trail and following it from Dover to Canterbury, Alexandra le Rossignol and I created a new route. This route has been split into shorter walks and takes in a fascinating landscape steeped in history and art.
Views: 35 | Enquiries: 0I have been a travel photographer and writer for over 30 years. I also lead Slow Walks for Artists which draws on my experience as a Creative Pilgrim and my interest in pilgrimage.
I was first drawn to pilgrimages when I discovered the Tro Briez pilgrimage which takes in the sites of the seven founding saints of Brittany in France. For this pilgrimage I followed the route by car as I only had two weeks to undertake the 700 km journey. I then joined forces with fellow artist, Alexandra le Rossignol, to lead a group of Creative Pilgrims on the Augustine Camino route from Rochester to Ramsgate. We subsequently went on to create The Way of Saint Martin – a slow pilgrimage route from Dover to Canterbury. I have gone on to seek out long distance routes and experience travelling light and slow pilgrimage.
The theme of pilgrimage has lead me to become a North Downs Way Ambassador and a Cross Channel Geopark Ambassador. I am based on the edge of the Kent Downs and continue to explore the landscape with my camera. As a photographer, my images have sold worldwide to magazines, newspapers and books.
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