Bryan Thurlow

Details of talks given by Bryan Thurlow

Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Professional speaker
Online Talks:
No, in-person only

Bryan Thurlow

Bryan is a seasoned speaker for U3As, Probus, Rotary, History Societies,, etc. With a background in professional theatre and drama lecturing, he has worked in Theatre, TV, and TIE, taking educational theatre to schools across East Anglia.

Bryan’s presentations are rather unique. He is a great storyteller and in some of his pieces he introduces audiences to the voices of various characters. Indeed in others he plays the whole piece in character, giving a flavour of life in earlier times. Currently a pearly. King telling his evacuee’s story, a butler from the Victorian/Edwardian period and a dear old Suffolk gardener, complete with an authentic Suffolk accent. He is kept busy with his talks and performance pieces but is always happy to help out at short notice if available.

To contact Bryan Thurlow, first select one of the talks listed below.

Listed talks

Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire
Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire
Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire
Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire
Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire
Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire
Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire

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