Ian Goodall SpeakerNet Sponsor

Details of talks given by Ian Goodall

South East
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Online Talks:
Yes, speaker facilitated

Ian’s talks have been described as ‘highly engaging and informative’ ‘One of the best speakers we’ve ever had’. Ian is the retired Headmaster of a large comprehensive school and now gives highly illustrated talks which have been extremely well received . He has degrees from several universities. He has developed a number of highly illustrated talks with a biological/medical theme. Talks include The man who caught a million criminals - Alec Jefferys and the invention of DNA fingerprinting.

The history of vaccines - Edward Jenner to the Covid mRNA vaccines.

The rise of the superbugs- antibiotic resistance. The history of genetics - the race to the double helix’. I have given 50 of these talks to Rotary Clubs, Probus Clubs, U3A groups and other societies - with uniformly excellent feedback. Talks can be anything between 30 and 60 minutes, according to your preference.

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