The Fens are a strange, bleak and dangerous landscape, for many years remote and difficult to access. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the landscape is inhabited by a range of supernatural entities ranging from witches who cast their spells with the fireside poker, the Ignis Fatuus who lures unsuspecting travellers to a watery death, to the Tiddy Mun still nursing his anger against the Dutch engineers who drained the Fens in the 17th Century. Hear stories from a landscape existing as liminal space between land and sea.
Views: 87 | Enquiries: 0I currently work for Nottingham City Councils Museums Service, having previously been a lecturer in interdisciplinary Humanities at the University of Nottingham for 20+ years. My research interests are primarily in the field of landscape and culture, and my PhD explored the transformatory potential of landscape on the individual. The impact, influences, and traditions of place are what interest me most. I am particularly interested in the landscapes and traditions of the East Midlands, their history, folklore and heritage. The impact, influences, traditions, and spirit(s) of place are what inspire me. In addition to my interest in landscape I have undertaken extensive research into the 1951 Festival of Britain and into the history of the plotlands and prefabricated buildings of the Lincolnshire Coast .
Having worked in higher, adult, and further education I have experience of tailoring material to large and small groups and can adapt to different experience and knowledge levels. I am happy to deliver informal talks, lectures, or academic seminars. All talks are supported by high quality PowerPoint presentations.
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