Sophia Hyatt, The White Lady of Newstead Abbey

Sophie Hollinshead

Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
8th February 2025

Sophia Hyatt known as ‘The Little White Lady of Newstead’, arrived at Newstead Abbey in Nottinghamshire around 1818. She was obsessed by the poet Byron and has been described at a nineteenth century ‘superfan’. She is said to have loved Newstead Abbey so much that she returned in spectral form to haunt the Abbey grounds after her death. However, there is much more to her than the ghost story suggests, she was a poet in her own right and until now her real origins have remained unknown. This talk focuses on my research to reveal the true identity of this mysterious woman and how we can piece together the history of the person behind the ghost story.

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About Sophie Hollinshead

I currently work for Nottingham City Councils Museums Service, having previously been a lecturer in interdisciplinary Humanities at the University of Nottingham for 20+ years. My research interests are primarily in the field of landscape and culture, and my PhD explored the transformatory potential of landscape on the individual. The impact, influences, and traditions of place are what interest me most. I am particularly interested in the landscapes and traditions of the East Midlands, their history, folklore and heritage. The impact, influences, traditions, and spirit(s) of place are what inspire me. In addition to my interest in landscape I have undertaken extensive research into the 1951 Festival of Britain and into the history of the plotlands and prefabricated buildings of the Lincolnshire Coast .

Having worked in higher, adult, and further education I have experience of tailoring material to large and small groups and can adapt to different experience and knowledge levels. I am happy to deliver informal talks, lectures, or academic seminars. All talks are supported by high quality PowerPoint presentations.

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