Heroic Maryport

John Little

North West
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Historical author
Expensed: £0
14th January 2024

A talk based on my new book, which is mostly, but not entirely, a collection of newspaper articles detailing heroic acts carried out by Maryport people between 1860 and 1950. There are tales of outstanding courage, reckless bravery, and fortitude in the face of fearful odds.

This talk is free; the speaker asks for travel money only, and a table from which to sell books to those who want them.

Views: 419 | Enquiries: 0

About John Little

Dr John Little holds an MA in twentieth century History and a PhD in the manpower and politics of the First World War. He writes well-researched historical novels set in North and North West Cumbria, as well as some non fiction about the same area. Underpinning his work is always a solid body of local history evidence, found in documents and newspapers. He has written fourteen books so, all of which are available on Amazon and Kindle. He gives a large number of talks on his books, on local history and any areas where he has knowledge in depth. He prefers to give his talks in Cumbria or Dumfriesshire. He has a lot of experience in speaking to Rotary clubs, U3A, Probus, The Women's Institute, and community groups. There is no charge for his talks, though he does ask for petrol money, and a table at which to sell books for those who might want them.

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