CBD- can it help our pain and well-being?

Vivien Morgan

Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £100 plus travelling and overnight expenses where relevant
15th August 2023

The talk explains everything you need to know about CBD. There are a lot of wrong assumptions made that it will make you high, that it is dangerous to take and that it’s not really effective. So a short tour of what CBDis, what it can do and its history. Also, how CBD is produced from the hemp plant and why there are claims for its healing and well-being powers.. With useful information about the kind of symptoms the use of CBD can help and how to use it in terms of dosages and strengths. Can it really alleviate chronic pain?

Views: 478 | Enquiries: 0

About Vivien Morgan

Vivien Morgan is a former BBC and Channel 4News TV News Journalist and Documentary Producer/Director, who picked up a camera to become a TV Videojournalist pioneer in 1989 as the Berlin Wall fell. Travelling undercover she reported from the closed Communist countries and other countries like Tibet and Myanmar. As a Senior University Lecturer, she wrote 2 academic books on videojournalism and mobile journalism. Her media career led to a range of roles globally working for the UN, African Union, Thomson Foundation and the EU. UK government roles as Director of Communications followed and 2 years for the Arab Reform Initiative (in Paris) as Head of Media. At present she is giving talks UK-wide and also in the US via Zoom on her latest book about historic cross-dressing women soldiers. She combines this with acting as a PR Consultant for small charities; a strategic media role for a medicinal CBD company and raising profile for a West Sussex community art gallery. She lives between London and West Sussex

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