Songs of The Sea

Alan Tumber SpeakerNet Sponsor

West Midlands, East Midlands
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Hobby / Professional / Charity
24th March 2023

An anthology of songs and poetry about the sea, sailors, shanties, mermaids fishing, whaling etc.

Views: 551 | Enquiries: 0

About Alan Tumber

Alan Tumber, now retired teacher of 38 years experience has been head of two Birmingham primary schools and has performed in folk clubs and venues around the city for many years.

'Grandadssongs' began life in 2006 as a project to enhance children's learning in schools, working also with Birmingham Library and Sandwell Museums and Art Galleries, but more recently over the last ten years has diversified, working mainly with adult groups including U3A, Probus, Lions, Rotary, T.G. & W.I. and numerous independent clubs and societies.

A presentation usually contains songs, stories and poetry accompanied on guitar, (Classical, acoustic and twelve string) with lots of audience participation. Presentations on different themes, differentiated for age and interest groups, and supported by ‘PowerPoint’ presentations containing information, lyrics, pictures, movies and sounds etc.

'Rhyme nor Reason 1' is a typical example of my work. A collection of comic poetry and song.  With live music, pictures, recordings and film clips.  The work of Flanders and Swann, Marriot Edgar, Stanley Holloway, Pam Ayres, Les Barker and others. Lots of laughs with goalkeeper Joe, Amnesia, Fifty Shades, and lots more. Probably the most popular presentation to date.

There are 3 other 'Rhyme nor reason' presentations and similar offerings for Christmas and Hallowe'en. There's also a collection of songs entitled 'Tickled to Death'! Slightly more serious presentations include 'Nowt so queer as Folk', my take on folk music and 'Picture This' where music, art and literature coincide.

A unique entertaining and inspiring hour of thought provoking and often humorous content built around a theme. ‘Grandadssongs’ has now over 30 presentations for schools and 14 aimed at an adult audience New themes can be created for you and existing themes tailored to your requirements.

I also offer Quizzes presented in Powerpoint. Each quiz is based on a theme. There are typically 16 or 20 rounds of five questions and the title of each round is based on the theme but the questions could be about anything related to the title of the round. e.g. Theme - Elvis
Round 1: 'Heartbreak Hotel' questions about famous hotels.
Round 2: 'Suspicious Minds' Questions about detectives. Etc.

At present I have the following themes – Cars, The Beatles, James Bond Movies, The Oscars, Disney Films, Elvis, Abba, Carry on Films, Sit-Coms, Film Musicals, Stage Musicals, London and Connections. Quizzers often decorate the room and dress up to enhance the experience! Using ‘Powerpoint’ allows me to include lots of music, sound, pictures and film clips in the question sets and as introductions to the rounds. To date I have mainly used the quizzes as charity fundraisers but not exclusively.

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