Jesus - the real man

Keith Stevens

North West
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £60 fee and 40p per mile travel
14th January 2023

Chronicling his life and preaching, and his legacy. Was his mother really a virgin? How did he satisfy the lineage required of a claimant to be ‘King of the Jews’? Where was he during the years before he emerged as a preacher? How did he develop his creed and hone his oratory skills? Was he with the Essenes Jewish sect? Were the miracles genuine, or contrived? What was the motive – to attract a believing audience, or a cynical ploy for donations? Were the Disciples just spiritual followers, or was there someone with a wider role – the organiser and dictator? How did they fund the enterprise? How did they live day to day? And why did his brothers disown him during his life, and yet lead the faith onwards after his death?

From an open-minded believer’s perspective. Uses the Gospels and respected historians, specifically Graham Phillips

Views: 620 | Enquiries: 0

About Keith Stevens

26 years at the Atomic Energy Authority. In 1995 I took up a post in an engineering company in Gloucester, working on surface coatings. I became the Research and Development Director and retired after 16 years in 2011. I continued with consultancy work, including companies in the power generation industry. My degree is in physics, at Birmingham.

I speak on 16 varied subjects, including Climate Change, Energy, Population (A bomb?), Water (Elixir of life), Money (How does it all work?), Dreams (Own theory), Ordnance Survey, ET (Will we ever shake his hand?), Robotics, Waste, Apocalypse (what will wipe us out first?), Jesus (the real man), Lies and Damn Lies (A humorous take on statistics, 'Balls' - a look at how different sports balls behave.

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