The Story of Energy Part 2 - Electricity

Paul Adey SpeakerNet Sponsor

Panda Group
Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: From £60
15th July 2023

A follow on from the oil industry, where electricity is coming to the fore as the major energy supplier to the transport industry.

We look at electricity generation methods and storage.

We see the rush towards net zero emissions and the arrival of electric vehicles.

Finally, we consider the various alternatives to fossil fuels and the work in progress.

Views: 985 | Enquiries: 2

About Paul Adey

Retired company director, highly experienced at public speaking. Over 60 years in the motor trade from garage floor to boardroom. Senior positions held with well-known global organisations; Esso Petroleum, General Motors, Fiat Auto UK, Iveco Ford UK, Avis International. Fellow of the Institute of the Motor Industry. A member of the Association of Motor Industry Historians. Talks also on Literature, Naval History and other interesting subjects.

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