A History of Prosthetics

Mrs Frances Raftery SpeakerNet Sponsor

North West
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Paid: £50 (+time/fuel charge for venues over 10 miles)
9th March 2024

From prostheses from Ancient Egypt to modern blades, the development and history of artificial body parts is fascinating. War has often necessitated the progress of prosthetic development. 60,000 men lost limbs in the American Civil War. Bullet and shell damage led to the need for facial reconstruction in WW1. Thus, significant progress was made as a result. This presentation includes 60 pictures: I bring projector, screen etc.

Views: 812 | Enquiries: 3

About Mrs Frances Raftery

I'm a retired (Science) teacher with a passion for History. I started talks after retirement, found I enjoy it. Word got around from those who had heard my presentations and I mostly have repeat bookings.

Many of my talks are accompanied by items I bring for illustration . In addition, I always bring projector, laptop (and screen if required). Illustrated talks last about one hour.

I enjoy meeting people - whether it is WI, TG, Probus, church groups or others and welcome input during talks - people often have interesting anecdotes of their own to share.

*I will travel a 10 mile radius from my home in Atherton M46, but there is an added time/fuel charge for distances over 10 miles. My aim is to provide a good morning, afternoon or evening for my audience to make their outing worthwhile.

I talk on over a dozen different topics and will be glad to send (by email) information on all of them to interested enquirers.

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