“The QE2 Story” – the story of this iconic liner from launch in 1967 to her final departure from our shores in 2008. This includes additional celebrities who sailed aboard and members of the Royal Family who visited QE2, this talk also includes her Falklands War Service. • During the build stage of QE2, which items did one shipyard worker remove from the ship and take home? • Did the Queen name the ship correctly? • How did the Senior Doctor announce his first-born to the wardroom? • Who ordered QE2 be sunk by torpedo in 1973? • What was the name of the unlikely stowaway in 1982?
Views: 1090 | Enquiries: 4I am third generation of Cunard seafarer, my last ship was QE2 where I was one of the Pursers and met some of the stars featured in my QE2 talk. On leaving Cunard I served in the Royal Naval Reserve and more recently conducted tours of Cunard and P&O ships whilst they were in Southampton, sadly because of the pandemic these have now ceased.
I have been delivering talks, both live and via Zoom, for 6 years now to various organisations such as U3A, Probus, W.I. and many more. Prior to this I was Training Manager delivering training modules to various groups.
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