6 Dogs, A Sled and Me! - A trip across the Arctic regions of Europe

Ken Robertshaw

The Theodora Children's Charity
Yorkshire & Humber
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Experienced speaker - a wide range of groups of all ages
Free: Donation to charity please
12th January 2021

Ken has maintained an interest in Polar exploration since he was a small boy and when offered the opportunity to take part in a trek that traversed northern Norway, Sweden and Finland by Dog Sled he jumped at the chance. This illustrated talk will take you with him as he endures seriously sub zero temperatures, blizzards and the delights of boil in the bag pre packed rations. Forget any thoughts you may have of sitting in a comfortable, fur lined bag being chauffeured across the ice and then returned to your hotel Ken will share his experience with you to the point where you may well feel cold.

Views: 1421 | Enquiries: 41

About Ken Robertshaw

Ken is a former Police Officer who has been involved in a wide variety of charity undertakings including driving large trucks to Romania in the 90's. He became a supporter of the Theodora Children's Charity, an organisation that provides entertainers to hospitals and hospices in the UK, and has undertaken expeditions to raise funds for them, these form the basis of his talks. He has also authored books on his expeditions and the profits from their sales are donated to the charity.

Bringing fun and laughter to children in hospital, and let's face it they are not fun places despite the marvellous work of the staff, the charity's 'Giggle Doctors' are a huge hit with patients, parents and, well, everyone anywhere near them!!

He has a wide experience of speaking to groups as diverse as schools, U3A, WI groups and many other social groups. A member of the Rotary Club of Halifax he has spoken at many Rotary events both in the UK and around the world. He provides all equipment needed for the presentations and is available for online events.

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