Why do agile projects continue to fail? Let’s face it, agile success stories are not in abundants. We often hear the sob stories, or worse “we are agile”, yet more like fragile.
We’d like to highlight five common failure points and throw a safety rope out to aid your onward journey. 1- Antipattern artifacts 2 - Misconceptions 3 - Corrupt Coaches 4 - False Profits 5 - Mindset limbo
Views: 1193 | Enquiries: 0As a project practitioner with 10+ years of experience across a number of industries and sectors, reaching from rail, simulation, cloud platforms and pharmaceuticals, I have a deep understanding of project methodologies.
I am passionate about delivering change, striving to serve others by enabling recognition, inspection and adaptation as a team to drive organisational change. I passionate about guiding others and in doing this energises me for my love for triathlons!
My goal is to enable households and businesses to adopt an agile mindset, not through purists approaches but in reflection of what we have learnt and how we can use this to continuously evolve into better versions of ourselves, our teams and our organisations.
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