Agile Households

Helen Garcia

Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Unknown: £50 for 30 mins
Life Skills
24th May 2020

Within my own household we have adopted a number of the agile principles and tools that enable us to plan, respond to inevitable change and ultimately allow us to understand the real priorities and get it done-done.

By making small incremental changes within the household we are able to see the impact of an increase in productivity and motivation to get some of the ‘not so fun things’ complete and this is what gave me a strong realisation that bringing Agile principles to households could really change the way we live.

Agile: Households is about just that: Responding to change in our ever complex project called ‘Life’

Throughout our day we need to inspect and adapt the way we live, but if we are going to be responding to change then let’s start to look at how we can achieve that without constantly going over budget, running over time or cutting out quality activities and generating waste.

Learn 5 steps to implement agile into your household today!

Views: 1167 | Enquiries: 1

About Helen Garcia

As a project practitioner with 10+ years of experience across a number of industries and sectors, reaching from rail, simulation, cloud platforms and pharmaceuticals, I have a deep understanding of project methodologies.  

I am passionate about delivering change, striving to serve others by enabling recognition, inspection and adaptation as a team to drive organisational change. I passionate about guiding others and in doing this energises me for my love for triathlons!

My goal is to enable households and businesses to adopt an agile mindset, not through purists approaches but in reflection of what we have learnt and how we can use this to continuously evolve into better versions of ourselves, our teams and our organisations. 

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