Howzat: using cricket for HIV prevention

Tanya Boardman

South East
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Professional, Charity, Rotary
Paid: £75 - £100 plus reasonable travel expenses
21st May 2021

Stories from the playing fields of sub-saharan Africa introducing cricket and using it as a mechanism for health and social education. From volunteering with Cricket Without Boundaries, this talk shares my experiences and the challenges of supporting the management of HIV in Uganda and Kenya. Coaching thousands of children in cricket may not seem like the obvious solution to a health crisis, but as you will hear, it delivers a greater impact than encouraging sporting participation.

Views: 1163 | Enquiries: 2

About Tanya Boardman

I enjoy sharing stories and engaging with an audience on topics including sport, travel and career change. Most importantly I like to leave the audience feeling empowered and inspired to do something a bit different to see where it will lead.

I have a varied career including business start up support, tech project management and charity work and am currently balancing a portfolio career of space science and health and wellbeing. I have traveled extensively and in my spare time I am usually found outside - running, hiking or enjoying the garden.

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