Bazalgette has come to be viewed a kind of modern St Patrick, banishing cholera from London and shielding it from miasmal misery with a robust system of brick bowels, the sewers. He was a fine engineer and public servant. But he did not invent London’s system of intercepting drains, or bring clean water to London. This talk traces the history of London's sewage including Sir Joseph but also introduces some of his predecessors, contemporaries and successors who deserve some of the credit for cleaning up London.
Views: 2257 | Enquiries: 13I am a specialist speaker, guide and writer on the colourful 400+ year history of science, technology and medicine - particularly in London.
My talks are aimed at anyone with an enquiring mind. The history of science and technology is sometimes neglected despite its compelling richness and combination of curious characters, global significance and unexpected twists and turns. I pride myself on offering entertaining talks whether my audience is scientifically minded or not. I like to bring my talks to life with the words of participants or eye witnesses to the events I am talking about.
I have given talks for the Newcomen Society, London Historians, at the RSA and Geological Society of London, Salon for the City, City of London Historical Society, U3A, Westbury Festival, and the University of North Carolina in London. I have led tours based on my researches for individuals, school, corporate and university groups.
I don’t speak for them but I've been a long-time volunteer in the archive at the Royal Institution of Great Britain (founded 1799) for which I have also written numerous blogs - and also at the archives of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (founded 1754) which was once a significant force in the advancement of technology or 'practical arts.'
I spend much of my time researching curious things that I think you will find interesting too. So, if it's technological and historical, there is a very good chance that I can talk about it! Please do contact me to discuss the possibilities. (By clicking on any of my talks you will be able to send a message to me.)
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