The Slow Road - a Journey around the English inland waterways.

Mike Ogden

East Midlands
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Personal Interest
Paid: £40 + travel from Worksop
12th January 2017
Canals | Rivers

Join Mike Ogden for a cruise by narrowboat. Travel up the tidal Trent to Nottingham, and explore the Midlands and the Fens by canal and river. Cruise the Thames tideway through the centre of London, and follow the river all the way to Oxford. Take the lovely Oxford Canal north, and end the journey in the heart of the canal system, at Birmingham's Gas Street Basin.

This entertaining talk, richly illustrated with modern and archive pictures, and with original verses, brings the waterways vividly to life.

This one-hour talk is available in the North Notts, North Derbyshire and South Yorkshire areas for a fee of £40 + travel cost. To ask about a venue and date please phone Mike Ogden on 07741 777768, or email

Views: 1810 | Enquiries: 7

About Mike Ogden

Mike Ogden is a retired town planner. He lived on a narrowboat for many years, and cruised the inland waterway system extensively. His talks on various subjects are well researched, richly illustrated, entertainingly presented and very well received.

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