Debbie Bradley

Details of talks given by Debbie Bradley

Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Online Talks:
Yes, group must organise

Can provide talks anywhere via Zoom. Although I am based in North Norfolk I am able to provide talks in Norwich and surrounding villages. My passion is bringing your ancestors to life on the page and breaking down brick walls. I started researching my own family over 25 years ago. I have been a professional genealogist for over 10 years and run Treetrace Family History Research and is a member of AGRA (Association of Genealogist and Researchers in Archives).

I love giving talks and helping people with their own research. Talks provide hints and tips I have learnt along the way in my own research and the fascinating lives our ancestors lived.

I can provide talks at short notice and am happy to give talks over Zoom as well as in person.

To contact Debbie Bradley, first select one of the talks listed below.

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