Details of talks given by Philip J Ashe
A former teacher of history in independent schools, I retired from my last employment of 28 years at Leeds Grammar School in 2009. Since then, I have given talks to Rotary and Probus Clubs, to historical societies, to the WI, the Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association, on two occasions to Cambridge University summer schools (American students) and - as a passenger to fellow passengers - on Cunard liners.
My talks (27 in number) come under the generic title, 'The Reasons Why: lectures in aspects of English history - the psychology of a people'. Apart from a "scene-setter" ('Geography is all') the subject matter ranges from the seventh to the twentieth century and devolves upon one or other of two themes: either the study of a particular individual and his/her times or on more general themes in which relevant individuals - not all of them known today - make their appearances. Full details of these can be seen on my listed talk (HMS Hood) page and can, additionally, be sent as an email attachment on request.
To conclude with a smidgeon of shameless self-promotion, I would just add that, to date, all the talks I have given appear to have been well received: at any rate, they keep asking me back! Any further information gladly given upon request - though it might be best just to mention that I normally charge £50 all-in (including transport). And if that gives cause for the Treasurer to sit down I am always happy to negotiate: I do these talks very much for their own sake, not to make my fortune.