Brian Ogilvie SpeakerNet Sponsor

Details of talks given by Brian Ogilvie

East Sussex, West Sussex, London
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Online Talks:
No, in-person only

I am a chartered certified accountant,now semi-retired,with a life-long interest in (among others)local history,art and architecture.I live in Brighton,and lead tours of my local church during the annual Fringe Festival

I am also treasurer and archivist for the local Fishing Museum,and among my talks I tell the story of the 'Vanished Voices' of Brighton's former beach fishing community.

I enjoy presenting to varied audiences several times a year locally or in London, for between 45-60 minutes (in person only ).I encourage audience engagement,and like to 'keep it light' !

Website here:

I do not charge a fee,just travel costs - plus a donation to a local charity of my choice

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