Details of talks given by John Hansard
I represent a Cuban Salsa group called "Rueda Rosa Blanca" based in and around Yorkshire.
We are a relatively new group (2023) and we have been doing demonstrations and classes in Cuban Salsa, to several WI groups and dance groups in the NYW area. We are are also now listed in the 2024 speakers yearbook for West Yorkshire Federation of the W.I.
Our group consists of 14 experienced dancers (3 of us are salsa teachers) from different areas of Yorkshire, although there would be a minimum of 4 or 6 of our dancers attending each talk/demo, depending on the location and who is available at the time.
All our team members are experienced salsa dancers and those of us who are Cuban salsa teachers, have been teaching for up to 10 years.
John Hansard (For Rueda Rosa Blanca)