Helen Dewdney

Details of talks given by Helen Dewdney

The Complaining Cow
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
Online Talks:
Not indicated

Helen Dewdney – also known as The Complaining Cow – is a trusted consumer champion, journalist, keynote speaker, best-selling author, consultant, presenter and blogger.

She empowers consumers to gain the redress to which they are entitled. As the “go to” consumer expert to talk about how to complain effectively, consumer rights and topical consumer issues, she regularly appears in the media to advise on how to complain effectively, taking up cases and give opinion and information about topical consumer issues and consumer rights.

With over 40 years of experience in complaints, she knows why people complain and what their pain points and frustrations are. Helen understands what people want from the customer service journey and how to improve it dramatically and works with businesses to improve customer service and increase sales.

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