Michael Kowalski SpeakerNet Sponsor

Details of talks given by Michael Kowalski

British Society for the Turin Shroud
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Not for Profit
Online Talks:
Yes, group must organise

Michael is recognised as a leading expert on the Shroud of Turin and has given presentations about this remarkable cloth to audiences in the UK and Europe. He is the author of 'The Shroud of Christ: Evidence of a 2,000-Year Antiquity' which provides a detailed account of the dating evidence revealed by over a hundred years of research. He is also the editor of a six-monthly magazine produced by the British Society for the Turin Shroud.

Michael’s interest in the Shroud began in the late-1970s when he read a magazine article which included pictures of the extraordinary photographic negative images of the Shroud. This interest has persisted over the years and has been a major focus for him since taking early retirement in 2016.

The Shroud of Turin is possibly the world’s most studied historical artifact, generating a regular flow of new research publications. Although many people have dismissed the Shroud as a medieval forgery, largely due to the result of a controversial carbon dating test, there is a wealth of compelling evidence that contradicts the conclusions of that test. Most persuasive of all is the extraordinary image of a man which is visible on the Shroud which scientists are unable to explain or replicate.

Michael has a strong desire to raise public awareness of this remarkable cloth and is happy to give talks on the Shroud. He can be contacted by email at outreach@bstsnewsletter.com.

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