Tony Cunliffe SpeakerNet Sponsor

Details of talks given by Tony Cunliffe

Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Cheshire
Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Online Talks:
No, in-person only

Hi, I'm Tony Cunliffe, a retired Financial Adviser, Author and Speaker, from Salford Greater Manchester. I am a Shroud of Turin enthusiast, a Shroudie! My fascination with the Shroud of Turin led me to write my latest book “The Case of the Missing Body - an Investigation into the Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin. Since publication, I've been sharing the evidence I've found by speaking to audiences about,
“The Case of the Missing Body Live!" I am a member of the British Society of the Turin Shroud (BSTS) and one of their Registered Speakers

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