Wildlife Conservation - Different Approaches

Barbara Meyer

Norfolk, Suffolk
Notice Period:
Emergency (maybe less than one week's notice)
professional wildlife photographer
Paid: 1-hour talks cost £65 (online) or £80 (venue-based, incl. travel exp. within a 40 miles of our base)
15th February 2024

Barbara's knowledge about wildlife conservation is based on her work with trail cameras in the East Midlands, her research of issues for British wildlife and big cats for publications plus her visit to South Africa, where she explored different approaches to wildlife conservation. This talk will look at issues for wildlife in their natural environment and the work, which is done by conservation groups to help different wildlife species in different ways, including rehabilitating and managing natural habitat areas.

The talk will be illustrated by photography, Barbara has taken of British wildlife, big cats and African wildlife.

Views: 1861 | Enquiries: 2

About Barbara Meyer

Barbara Meyer is a wildlife photographer, who dedicates her photography to help endangered big cat species in their fight for survival as well as to raise awareness for the situation of British wildlife, wildlife that lives around us. In this sense, she has provided talks on big cats, British wildlife and wildlife conservation for well over 15 years.

Through her support of big cat conservation groups and working with zoos and wildlife parks as well as through research for publications like articles and booklets, Barbara has gained a good understanding about big cat species, issues for British wildlife and an insight into the conservation work that is done to help these species.

Based on this, Barbara offers a wide range of wildlife related talks from ‘Big Cats Around the Globe’, ‘On Safari in South Africa’, ‘Wildlife in Sherwood Forest’ to ‘Seals In Lincolnshire and Norfolk’. Most of the talks are aimed at interest groups of any kind, though there are also talks, which are more specific for camera clubs and photography societies, e.g. ’The Stories Behind Photos’ and 'Focusing on Wildlife'.

Being based in South-East Suffolk, Barbara provides talks across areas in East Anglia (Suffolk as well as in parts of Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, and Hertfordshire). As Barbara knows that some groups still continue to provide online talks, she still offers these as well (she can host groups up to 99 participants via Zoom and is happy to work with groups via other platforms).

Furthermore, she may also be available at short notice if another speaker has to cancel his/her engagement or needs to reschedule.

Venue-based talks of up to one hour cost £85 (incl. travel expenses within a 40 miles radius of her base or respectively plus £20 for venues within a 40-65 miles radius). The fee for online talks with the same duration is £65, Talks of up to 1.5 hours are also available (often done for photography groups), and cost only an additional £10 (for both venue-based or online talks).

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