What's in a Name? Weeds, Worts, Fairies, Fables & Folklore

Peter Smith SpeakerNet Sponsor

Surrey, Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex, Hampshire, London
Notice Period:
Regular (more than one month's notice)
Paid: £120 (plus travel from Guildford)
4th February 2025
Gardening | Folklore | Herbs | Botany

*Do you know your Kingcup from your Granny’s Nightcap? Which plants will help keep you safe when you travel? Or help you escape from Vampires? And which you should never, ever, pick or bring into the house? Which plant you can use as a lie-detector? Why Vervain is also known as The Magician’s Herb? And why the Priest in the Pulpit isn’t really about Priests or Pulpits at all. *We look at the fascinating world of the common names for our wildflowers, the origin of these names and the folklore that surrounds them.

Views: 59 | Enquiries: 0

About Peter Smith

I'm a beekeeper, all round bug enthusiast and writer and give talks on a range of subjects which share a common focus on the pollinators of the UK. My fully illustrated talks are designed to entertain as well as inform and are aimed at everyone with an interest in the natural world. I try to improve the awareness of some of the problems faced by our native pollinators and offer practical suggestions on what we can do to help them. I also work closely with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.

As seen on BBC Countryfile! I presented a section on bees and pollinators on the Countryfile edition aired on April 21st.

I give talks to Wildlife and Conservation groups, Gardening Clubs, U3A and PROBUS groups, Resident Associations and Businesses and have received the following testimonials.

  • "Absolutely Fascinating - I had no idea moths were so interesting" (The Secret World of Moths)
  • "A complete eye-opener" (The Plight of the Bumblebee)
  • "Brilliant, engaging, knowledgeable and funny" (Protecting our Pollinators)
  • "Informative, entertaining and amusing" (The Business of Bees)
  • "Captivating" (A Taste of Honey)
  • "That [mellification] is one of the most gruesome things I've ever heard... Still, I can't wait to cast my first honey spell!" (Bees & Honey: Tradition, Myth, Symbol & Magic)
  • Well this raised the lid (!) on beekeeping and honey for me. (Responsible Beekeeping)
  • I'll never look at a Cabbage White again without smiling. (The Private Lives of Butterflies)

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