Working with Business Owners and their Leadership Teams, they are focussed on the key elements and trying to improve performance. They measure many factors which are important to the health and well-being of the Business. Very often though, they overlook one critical factor which is directly going to impact on the business as well as themselves - their own Health. In my talk (aimed at Business Leaders) I highlight this blind spot through involving the audience and listening to what they are measuring before revealing what happened to me and what the implications might be for them. I tell my story which is shocking at times but told with a smile on my face. I am incredibly lucky to have come out the other side of my Trauma. I hope that by telling it, they won't have to experience anything similar. There ARE steps that they can take now.
Views: 130 | Enquiries: 0I have successfully run my own Management Consultancy for the last 20 years having moved out of a Corporate environment in my early career. I love helping people. The majority of my clients (and the target audience for my speaking) are Business Leaders who are trying to get growth into their organisations. As someone who specialises in Sales, I have been told that I am a good communicator.
Something traumatic happened to me recently which I feel the need to tell other people about because it is a blind spot with many of those leaders and it could greatly effect their lives if they are not aware of it.
Despite the trauma, I am an optimist. The talks that I give are positive, action orientated and inclusive. I am a Family man who is looking to give back to my audience and make them think about what is really important in their lives.
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