Trevor Brook SpeakerNet Sponsor

Notice Period:
Short (maybe less than one month's notice)
Paid: £70 plus travel
25th February 2025

Curiosities from the world of wireless. A selection based on tales from Radio Oddities:, including birds taking broadcasts off the air, propagation through a hill, overdeviating FM transmitters, wipeout by RF heaters and remote weather sensing from a TV transmitter. For a scientific or technical audience, such as engineers or amateur radio clubs.

Views: 237 | Enquiries: 1

About Trevor Brook

You might be interested in talks which I can provide. I have lived in the North Downs all my adult life and am an engineer, broadcaster and website editor turned researcher and archivist for Albury History Society:

I speak to time (45-55 minutes) and each talk is packed with over one hundred archive photographs.

I can do Zoom though real life is vastly preferable!

I have presented for Guildford Institute, history societies, U3A, social groups and at Guildford Guildhall.

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